Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Linking .OBJ files in Windows
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Does anybody know how to link an Object file in Windows? I'm used to Linux where its
just like "glink -f" or something. I've searched google and am currently making my way
through tons of websites that explain what an "Object" file is, but not how to turn it into
an executable. Any help would awesome, thanks. ;)
I really have no idea.  Perhaps look at a few compilers (eg VC++) - they may have OBJ linker EXEs buried in there somewhere.
Yeah, I know they have it, but I think its embedded in the compiler,
not a separate program. I'll figure it out.  I'll probably just
end up downloading MASM or something and converting all my code to
that since, for better or worse, I'm stuck with Windows.

EDIT: I figured it out. Step by step instructions for the win. ;0
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