Endless Paradigm

Full Version: my last sig
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Wolf Wrote:Seems too, "All over the place" for me. It's like when I saw it I was like, "AAAAAAA ZOMGZOMG FIRE DRAGON HORSE!!!!". You could also do without the yellow outer glow on the text.

agreed, your last one was better Yawndoodle
Tetris999 Wrote:
Wolf Wrote:Seems too, "All over the place" for me. It's like when I saw it I was like, "AAAAAAA ZOMGZOMG FIRE DRAGON HORSE!!!!". You could also do without the yellow outer glow on the text.

agreed, your last one was better Yawndoodle

I wonder how he is able to do so many different styles...
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
Tetris999 Wrote:
Wolf Wrote:Seems too, "All over the place" for me. It's like when I saw it I was like, "AAAAAAA ZOMGZOMG FIRE DRAGON HORSE!!!!". You could also do without the yellow outer glow on the text.

agreed, your last one was better Yawndoodle

I wonder how he is able to do so many different styles...

As I have said before...suspicious.
Wolf Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
Tetris999 Wrote:
Wolf Wrote:Seems too, "All over the place" for me. It's like when I saw it I was like, "AAAAAAA ZOMGZOMG FIRE DRAGON HORSE!!!!". You could also do without the yellow outer glow on the text.

agreed, your last one was better Yawndoodle

I wonder how he is able to do so many different styles...

As I have said before...suspicious.

you know his sig reminds me of one i did a looooooooooooooong time ago

and it was age of empires Hihi
Wolf Wrote:As I have said before...suspicious.

*shifty eyes*
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
Wolf Wrote:As I have said before...suspicious.

*shifty eyes*

*shifty eyes*

but theres no evidence, so the sig is his right now
Tetris999 Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
Wolf Wrote:As I have said before...suspicious.

*shifty eyes*

*shifty eyes*

but theres no evidence, so the sig is his right now

yea.. especially the last sig. But who am I to comment. I do know for real that @ another site, people just copy paste sigs from elsewhere, under their name. At another site, people would not believe that the COD4 wallpaper was made by me (though its the easiest thing to do), and rather I just stamped "FEINICKS" on some pro's work! Oh well!! I guess that was a compliment!! Hihi

Also, for evidence, you could always ask the maker to share the psd!
feinicks Wrote:yea.. especially the last sig. But who am I to comment. I do know for real that @ another site, people just copy paste sigs from elsewhere, under their name. At another site, people would not believe that the COD4 wallpaper was made by me (though its the easiest thing to do), and rather I just stamped "FEINICKS" on some pro's work! Oh well!! I guess that was a compliment!! Hihi

Also, for evidence, you could always ask the maker to share the psd!

well my current wasn't really that much editing, just a simple wire frame here and there and playing with color and a bit of sharpening

so i thought to myself i didn't deserve to put my name on it

the only times i do that is when i do major things, like change effects and backgrounds etc.
i guess.. but it is still annoying when people rip. even elementary PS takes considerable skill, thought and the creative drive. Even your simple wire frame, sharpening, texture whatever.. it all requires that creative and perceptive eye. For someone with your skills, you might have taken that for granted now, cause its a part of you. In any case, ripping is a direct insult to the creators hardwork. @ the very least, they should be credited!

But the internet is vast. There is no possible way to ever protect (or expect protection for) your work.
feinicks Wrote:i guess.. but it is still annoying when people rip. even elementary PS takes considerable skill, thought and the creative drive. Even your simple wire frame, sharpening, texture whatever.. it all requires that creative and perceptive eye. For someone with your skills, you might have taken that for granted now, cause its a part of you. In any case, ripping is a direct insult to the creators hardwork. @ the very least, they should be credited!

But the internet is vast. There is no possible way to ever protect (or expect protection for) your work.

well when someone rips my work, i know their broadcasting the things i do so im happy with that

even if people think its the rippers work, the ripper won't be able to make more of it
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