Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Call of Duty Can't Find Servers?
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So basically, i just got Call of Duty : United Offensive so that i could play with a friend.

It's all installed and set up fully, it's just when i try to find any servers whatsoever, none appear.

I've tried port forwarding, changing the connection type, still no luck.

Could it be my AV, NOD32?
try using your isp ip address it might start with 87 or something like that not the or whatever your router assigns
the ps3 COD4 servers are poo poo as well..... load of fun though....   i just don't think activision ever has dedicated servers.....  keep trying and you will get games...
Well, my friend can get games all the time, I'm not sure what to do now.
i had loads of trouble at the start... took me ages to find games....
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