Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #38 From Fantasy to Reality
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Hi guys, that's my entry for current SOTW, comments please Gongxi

[Image: 38womanjg8.png]
chick = hawt :D
text is quite unreadable
the effects are a tad busy

but overall, i like it ^__^
I got to agree, the chick is VERY hot ;)
But yeah, the text doesn't work, i don't mind it being busy though

Overall, pretty cool
i like it alot!! nice work sky
very unique, i like it. ^^
Super hot yummy lulz ^_^

I like the text o_o
lol.......i see a winner for this sotw....

its not like the woman in my sig is hot at all, just cool looking :P
Thanks for the comment guys! I'm glad you all like it^^ I agree the readability of the text could be better, I will look carefully on that next time.
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