Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Haruhi vector
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I tried doing a vector and found a stock which looked pretty decent and easy. coincidently its was of Haruhi.

[Image: Haruhi-1.jpg]

here is the stock if you want to compare or anything!

Spoiler for stock:
[Image: Haruhi-2.png]

This is my first vector so C&C... will be appreciated
First Vector? Well first of all, well done, this is excellent for a first vector........ wish I had the patience to do them -_-"

As for constructive criticism the only problem I have is smoothness of the round bits - most noticeably the hair.

Excellent work, feinicks

<3 Haruhi!

yeah... lost patience do finish up the rounds! I fired up PS after quite sometime so not really .... oh well!
truly jealous

Im A big haruhi fan by the way.
may of noticed.
lol.. Hai!

its not anywhere as nice as what you all can make, but for a 1st its def good! I hope!
indeed your first is amazing honestly.
yes first is always amazing!!!


beginner's luck I guess!
Really good for a first time.
Looks awesome.
well that's just fudgeing amazing. Great job!
good work feinicks....

I'm giving it a shot now....
Pages: 1 2
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