Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Strange Ping Activity
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I'm always keeping an eye on my Task Manager and I thought this was terribly strange.

[Image: ws01ly.png]

This thing is multiplying and disappearing to just 1 process then there are 8 and so on and so forth..

they are 3~MB a piece, that surely isn't normal..

Any ideas on what it is?
i don't even know what ping means....
Hmmm that is very strange.....I don't have any pings....
Ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping.
Hold the phone, I think its because of my über special Azureus Vuze Accelerated Client ;p
Ooooooo I'm telling off you!!!! You've been downroading irregals!!!!!
Accelerated client??

I recently switched to Vuze since i was getting some dodgy connections according to PG2 when using utorrent which have since dried up strangley (:P)

What's this about an accelerated client though? Or did you do it yourself?
lol, I just got Ono on it - http://www.aqualab.cs.northwestern.edu/p...s/Ono.html

Since then most of my speeds have been Maxing out my connection everytime w000000000t
hmm...i shall try this out
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