Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Gross PS3 Ad
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Quote:Out of a Vienna ad agency comes this abomination of a Playstation 3 ad that, were there truly a God, would never have shone its dark light on world. Let me try to paint a verbal picture for you: it's a guy with a thumb for a penis. Plus-ten points to the ad agency for the excellent Photoshop work here; but minus-eight-billion points for ever letting this thing come into being. I never want to touch another Playstation as long as I live, much less another thumb. The full and uncut ad is below: beware.

You have been warned.

[Image: thumbad.jpg]


I don't care about the message, it scares me :(
W T F ?

That is HORRIBLE!!!!! urg.....spew.....


I that really official???
i don't think i really want to watch it

* feinicks is sick
finger bang bang finger finger bang bang
At least they used a thumb, not a pinky
One, two, three, four- I declare a thumb war!

Why this is not a thumbs up is beyond me.

proves he is all thumbs

does that mean he has penises for fingers?

also did he suck his thumb as a child
squee666 Wrote:One, two, three, four- I declare a thumb war!

Why this is not a thumbs up is beyond me.

proves he is all thumbs

does that mean he has penises for fingers?

also did he suck his thumb as a child

You just couldn't resist, could you? -.-

How about... This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "thumb up his donkey"?
Hellgiver Wrote:
squee666 Wrote:One, two, three, four- I declare a thumb war!

Why this is not a thumbs up is beyond me.

proves he is all thumbs

does that mean he has penises for fingers?

also did he suck his thumb as a child

You just couldn't resist, could you? -.-

How about... This gives a whole new meaning to the cliche "thumbs up their asses"?

lol @ cliche's
just read the comments at the site~
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