Endless Paradigm

Full Version: uber trick XD
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mmmm now the def can enjoy an mp3
so, as far as changing extensions goes, it can be done even with a batch file...

and i found a library for the png/raw converting... its called DevIL and its freeware, lets see what to code it with...
lol! :D ........

secret messages >:)
sQUEE, mind posting the like in the rlslog forums, I want to take a look.
dot dot dot
I recall PNG being mainly a deflated image, so any file should work fine.

Interesting observation, though people have been hiding stuff in JPEGs for quite some time.  Yeah, the main problem is that the receiving user has to decode it...
i actually coded some app for converting it from png directly to mp3 :D

still finishing some details.... expect it soon :P
hey squee can u PM me the link of the Source?
can't get the dimensions right..
what if you edit the image first??? *goes and checks*
Jomann Wrote:what if you edit the image first??? *goes and checks*
It'll corrupt the underlying file - usually.
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