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Well, I think I'm finally getting my college plans together.

Getting Shit Done (and getting necessary supplies)
First off, I'm working my donkey off to get my packets done so I can graduate at the end of this month with everyone else, and I'm taking my ACT on June 14th, with a bunch of cram classes to prepare for it in the 2 weeks between graduation and the test. At the end of the summer, I'm getting a heavily discounted last-gen Macbook Pro (2.4 Ghz, 2GB RAM, 160GB HDD) at this 2nd hand Mac store where my mom is a regular customer. (like $300 off plus free bonuses like software and stuff)

Room and Board
Me and 2 of my gamer friends have been discussing rooming issues. Y'see the two of them are going to BYU, and they wanted to room together, but one couldn't get a spot in the dorms. The friend that did get a spot is reconsidering once he heard about the dorm's rules. I'm going to UVU, which is like a 5 minute drive away from BYU, and I want to avoid the dorms if possible. So I got the idea of what if the 3 of us roomed together in an apartment or something near the two schools? It solves all rooming problems, and plus it would probably be pretty cheap to get a place, since it's further south. The plan is still a work in progress, but it's looking good.

Anyhoo, then while in college, I'm sorta deciding what classes to take. I want to take a bunch of illustration classes and graphic design ones, and I figured I'd take some programming classes too. You see, I found out from a family friend that in the game design industry, the most valuable people are those that can go the middle ground between design and programming. So, since I'm a self-described artistic genius Hihi if I learn some programming, and I can put it to use, then I'll be very valuable. Also there's the fact that David Jaffe, the guy that made God of War, just opened a game studio in northern Salt Lake City.

Side note to 'Classes'
On a side note with the programming thing, aside from learning Windows languages like C and whatnot, I really want to learn Xcode too, so I can make some Mac programs. Hell, maybe if I get good enough I could even port RCOEditor to Mac OS X, so all the Mac-users that want to try their hand at XMB customizing can do so natively without having to boot up Windows :D
good luck to you metalgear.

after my GCSE's I'll be going to 6th form. i just can't be bothered to go to college.

edit: i will be going to uni in the future hopefully.
@Andrew 6th Form is college :P After that you can go to colleges or universities aswell XD

@Metalgear I wanted to be a Concept Artist for gaming and films and whatnot, and I think that you fit in perfectly with that :P
I'm so confused as to how Europe's schools work lol.
Primary School, high School, Sixth form/college, Uni

Really simple actually
6th form is the more fun route. the teachers don't have as much control over you + youcan boss form 1 around.Ahaa
roberth Wrote:Primary School, high School, Sixth form/college, Uni

Really simple actually

But, I mean, what are the first 5 'forms'? lol

And about what ages does each section of school last?
good luck metalgear
The thing about programming and art is that they're somewhat subjects in completely different fields.  Programming is basically an exact science, where art is mostly "inexact".
For such a role, your primary aim would probably to liaise with both sides, so you'd need to be able to communicate ideas effectively across.

For choice of language, it's really not too important, but C would be your general purpose language (C is NOT a "Windows" language).
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