Endless Paradigm

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Post your lol, rofl or lmao moments in here and let us laugh too :yipi:

This ones not really funny but anyway:
I checked this other forum and i saw one of the guy's avatars was the goatse. So disgusted i post double you tee eff is with ur avatar? And he's like, nothing, double you tee eff? So i check the link and it still points to the original avatar he always had (hotlinked ofcourse)... I tell him to press F5 and when i check back later i see 5 posts from 5 disgusted ppl all like Ahh gross double you tee eff hahahHHAHAH ROFL the guy he hotlinked the avatar from had for some reason overwritten it with goatse and it was displaying as his avatar all over the place :P whahahaha pwnt
ok heres one that happend to a buddy:
wee go to a party
wee are drinking
i start talking to this girl
the bitch seems to like my buddy better so i drop it and let her talk to him
my buddy is a dumbass period he always gets drunk when he chugs brews
he was chugging thinking he could handle it
he tells the girl "lets get outta here"
she says go talk to my brother
he is scared and doesn't go
she talks to her brother
(her brother is a 22 yr old punk shorter than the both of us so double you tee eff?)
she takes off with my buddy to "drop some friends off"
they come back, he is out of the van and walking aimlessly to his car like a dumbass...
she comes straight to me and tells me to get that idiot home
he obviously killed it
so me and a couple of freinds drop him face down on his living room with his family just watching some friday night movie staring at us...
then the girl still wanting some talks to me...
yeah after what happend with her ditching me for an obvious failure i said no sorry :)
at the moment it was funny because after all that happend and in front of all my friends to turn down a girl wee where laughing our asses off
the chick got Pwned
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